ડાયનાસોર વિશેની અજાણી વાતો facts-about-dinosaurs



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do u know about incredible facts about dinosaurs….???? 

As soon as the name of the dinosaur is taken, the pictures of big animals automatically start forming in the mind. Why not become it because Hollywood has grown up seeing this in films. Today we will give you information about this big animal about incredible facts about dinosaurs which not only small children but also big people want to know.

1. History of Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs were born 230 million years ago and the last dinosaur died 65 million years ago.

2. The man who studied dinosaurs is called ‘Paleontologist’.

3. Dinosaurs lived on earth for 160 million years. Human life is only 0.1% of it. The period in which dinosaurs lived on Earth is called the ‘Mesozoic Era’. They survived in all three parts of this era: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.

4. It is believed that there were about 2468 species of dinosaurs at that time. Some of them even flew.


5. The word ‘Dinosaur’ comes from the Greek word ‘terrible lizard’ which means – terrible lizard. The term ‘dinosaur’ was coined by a British paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842.

6. Dinosaurs could not roar, they could only grunt with their mouths closed.

7. Dinosaur remains have also been found on the banks of Narmada river of Gujarat, it is about 70 million years old.

8. There is no definite proof of this, but scientists say that dinosaurs lived for about 200 years.

9. DNA can live only for 20 lakh years. Therefore, DNA testing of dinosaur fossils cannot be done.


incredible facts about dinosaurs

10. The best remains of the dinosaurs that were near the water have been found.

11. Meat-eating dinosaurs are called ‘theropods’. Meaning, ‘the ones with demonic claws’. Their hooves and nails were sharp. Rather, the claws and nails of herbivorous dinosaurs were not sharp.

12. Scientists believe that some dinosaurs were cold blooded and some warm blooded. Herbivorous dinosaurs were cold-blooded, some of the larger herbivores ate a ton of food a day, meaning the equivalent of a bundle of a large bus. Rather, carnivorous dinosaurs were warm-blooded and ate 10 times more food than vegetarians of their size.

13. The bones of dinosaurs were hollow, especially of carnivorous dinosaurs. So that their weight remained light and they used to walk on two legs so that they could run fast and could hunt with both hands. Herbivorous dinosaurs used to walk on four legs to carry their heavy bodies. He could balance on two legs only for a short time.

14. The eggs of the largest dinosaurs were as big as a basketball. The bigger the egg, the thicker its shell so that the child cannot come out. The smallest dinosaur egg ever found is 3 cm in length and 75 grams in weight. No one knows what species this egg was from. The largest dinosaur egg has been found with a length of 19 inches. It is believed that it belongs to the carnivorous dinosaurs of Asia. All species of dinosaurs lay eggs. So far, eggs of 40 species have been found.




15. 45 feet long and weighing 6350 kg, T. Rex (Tyrannosaurus rex) was the largest carnivorous dinosaur. Their hind legs were very big but the next hands were very small. Meaning, as much as today’s men. They had big teeth whose length was 10 inches including the root. Meaning, as much as the iPad. Their 4 feet long jaw had 50 to 60 teeth. They could bite but did not chew the prey, but swallowed directly.

16. Self-defense system was present in all dinosaurs. Meaning, weapons for their protection were with them from birth. Like carnivores had long teeth and nails. Herbivores had horns and broad claws. But till date no one has been able to know why dinosaurs had plates on their backs.

17. Most dinosaurs have been discovered with only one bone or one tooth.

18. In 2015, a 4-year-old boy discovered a 100 million-year-old dinosaur fossil.

19. If the history of the earth is made 24 hours, then life started at 4:00 in the morning, at 10:24, plants started growing, at 11:41 the dinosaurs became extinct, and at 11:58 at night: At 43 a man was born.

20. Dinosaurs used to swallow large pieces of stone. They used to help in digesting food by staying in their stomach.

21. Dinosaurs have been found on every continent including Antarctica. But at that time the continents used to be close to each other.



ડાયનાસોર વિશેની અજાણી વાતો facts-about-dinosaurs

22. The tail of some dinosaurs was 45 meters long. This long tail helped in creating balance while running.

23. Villagers in central China used dinosaur bones as medicine for many years. They considered them to be the bones of the dragon. Some people had made a business by collecting them. one min. A man named Zhang had collected 8,000 kilos of bones.

24. Ornithomimus was the fastest dinosaur. They could run at a speed of 70km/h. He looked exactly like the ostrich of today. What were these accounts is still a mystery.

25. The length of the skeleton of the largest dinosaur ever discovered is 89 feet. It was named ‘Diplodocus’. It was found in the US city of Wyoming. The skeleton of the smallest dinosaur is only 4 inches in length and would have weighed less than a mouse. We could even put it in the shopping bag.

26. 5,000 footprints of dinosaurs have been found on a limestone rock in Bolivia, these marks are about 60 million years old.

27. It is a funny fact that despite the name of the film ‘Jurassic Park’, most of the dinosaurs in it belonged to the ‘Cretaceous’ period.

28. The sound of dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park is actually the voice of turtles having sex.


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ડાયનાસોર વિશેની અજાણી વાતો facts-about-dinosaurs

29. How did dinosaurs die…?

Dinosaurs died out suddenly because a 6-mile-diameter meteorite collided with the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico 65 million years ago. This collision created a 112-mile-wide crater. Due to this a very strong shockwave was created which spread all over the earth. Due to this, all the animals which were larger than the dog were destroyed. However, animals such as sharks, jellyfish, fish, scorpions, birds, insects, snakes, tortoises, lizards, and crocodiles survived.

ડાયનાસોર વિશેની અજાણી વાતો facts-about-dinosaurs

30. Why does Google Chrome show a dinosaur when you are offline?

It means:-“Without internet, you are now living in the era of dinosaurs”. This is a game called ‘Easter egg Chrome T-Rex game’. This game has been made by a small team of 6 developers. Edward Jung and Sebastian Gabriel are the two main developers. And there is also a skeleton of a dinosaur in Google’s campus which has been named ‘Stan’.



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