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ज़िन्दगीसे जुडी रोचक बाते :-



The time from birth to death is called life.

In the meantime what we do if added,

So a lot of surprises come up.

Of course you have lived 20-30 years of your life

We produce enough saliva in our whole life to fill 2 swimming pools.

People who live apart from their friends. I mean those who live alone, they live 4 years longer.

A man yawns about 250,000 times in his life.

We spend 3 months of our life in the toilet.

A man walks about 183,755,600 steps in his life. 5 rounds of the whole earth.

Men spend one year of their lives staring at women.

80% of the world’s people live on less than $ 10 a day.

Our skin changes itself about 900 times in a lifetime.

A man spends 6 months of his life in shaving.

Less than 7 hours of sleep a night lowers your life expectancy.

4 years of a woman’s life are spent in menstruation. life-zone-facts




Women in England spend 1, 160,000 on makeup in their lifetime.

If everyone in the world washes their hands properly, one million lives will be saved within a year.

1 in 5 Americans believe that the earth will end during their lifetime.

We spend 25 years of our lives in gold.

Throughout life, our brain stores about 1 million GB of data.

82% of Americans believe in after life.

One cigarette shortens your life by 11 minutes.

Out of 70 lakh men, only 1 man will live more than 110 years.

A man who eats meat regularly eats 7000 animals in his life.

If the history of the earth is made 24 hours, life-zone-facts
So life will start at 4 in the morning, trees-plants, rock at 10:24 at night,
Dinosaurs will start at 11:41 and human life will start at 11:58 at night.

From the time humans came into existence on earth until now, for humans,

The subject of most research has been human.

There are new revelations about human life and new facts keep coming up.

We have brought some similar facts and figures for you.



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Here are some facts about human life,

Which you may know very little about and which you may be surprised to know.

Human “Human Life Expectancy has increased by more than 50 years compared to the last 200,000 years.

☞ “There are more organisms on the skin of the human body than there are organisms on earth. life-zone-facts

“On an average man takes limbs about 250,000 times in his life.

☞ “The average American man consumes more than 35 tons of food in his lifetime.

त्वचा “Human skin changes itself 900 times in a lifetime.

“The average person produces enough saliva in his entire life to fill two large swimming pools.

“On average, a person spends three months of his life sitting in the toilet.

“On an average man walks 18 crore 37 lakh 55 thousand 600 steps all his life.

The average man spends one year of his life just staring at women.

“More than 80 percent of the people of the world live on less than 600 rupees per day.

“The average American spends only 5 months of his life using the phone.

“The regular achievements you get make you happier than the big achievements.

“Those who have more friends live 3.7 years longer than those who live alone.”

“Sitting in one place for more than three hours a day reduces your life expectancy by three years.




“Women live longer than men because their immune system is slower.

“On average, a man spends six months of his entire life shaving.

“People who use joggers live six years longer than people on average.

“The average American has a 50 percent risk of developing cancer for the rest of his life.

“If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, your life expectancy is reduced.

“Most people can survive without food for more than 2 months, but if they do not sleep for 11 days, they cannot survive.”

“Those who have lived for more than 65 years in the whole world, two-thirds of their total population is still alive today.

“On an average British woman spends 1 crore 62 thousand rupees in makeup in her whole life.

“If every person in the whole world washes his hands properly and keeps them clean, then millions of lives can be saved every year.

“The average man spends only 2 weeks of his whole life in kissing.

“1 in 5 Americans believe that the world will end in their lifetime.

“Women waste one year of their whole life thinking about which clothes they should wear and which should not.



“Man spends 25 years of his life in sleeping only.

“Your brain stores 10 lakh crore bits of information in a lifetime.

“When a child is born, their parents lose their 6 months of sleep for the first 2 years.

“Every year the life expectancy of a human being increases by 3 months.

“On average, a British woman has kept 111 purses with her in her lifetime.

^ “82 percent of Americans believe in reincarnation.

“An average man walks so much in his entire life, that he can go round the earth five times.

“An average man spends 6 years of his life dreaming only.

“One cigarette you use reduces your age by 11 minutes.

“The average British woman creates 150 different hairstyles in her lifetime.

“The chance of a human being to live 110 years is one in 7 million.

“If we summarize the history of the whole earth in 24 hours,

So we will find that life must have started at 4 in the morning,

Plants would have originated on the ground at 11:41 PM, and human history would have started at 11:58:43 PM.

courtesy:-telegram रोचक तथ्य chennel

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