વિદ્યાર્થી આઈ કાર્ડ, પ્રોફાઈલ, બોનાફાઈડ સર્ટી, જન્મ પ્રમાણપત્ર (AUTO FILE)



Dispose of desk work! Jotform offers online instruction structures for instructive experts and understudies. Teachers need frames more than some other industry – – whether it’s for gathering applications, assessing educators, or in any event, gathering gifts – – so it’s vital to have the option to effortlessly make structures. Whether you’re a teacher in K-12 or advanced education, we have a structure layout for you.

Student details

On the understudy subtleties page, there are two tabs that show you understudy data: Performance and Student View.

ફોટા સાથે પ્રોફાઈલ બનાવવા માટે તમામ ફાઈલ   ➡


 વિદ્યાર્થી પ્રોફાઈલ ફોટા સાથે બનાવવા માટે excel ફાઈલ-૧  (click here)


auto excel file

You can straightforwardly email the understudy from the mail symbol morally justified. The email will pre-populate with the understudies data. You can modify the headline and beneficiary rundown


 વિદ્યાર્થી આઈ કાર્ડ બનાવવા માટે excel ફાઈલ  (click here)


Our schooling structure layouts are completely adjustable and can be designed to meet your requirements. Begin by either choosing one of instruction structure tests or making your own format. Jotform schooling structure formats are free and simple to-utilize. student-profile-birthcerty


 વિદ્યાર્થી પ્રોફાઈલ બનાવવા માટે excel ફાઈલ-૨  (click here)



auto excel file

The expression “understudy profile” is utilized in a few distinct faculties in the schooling local area. In all cases, an understudy profile gives data about an understudy, however the data can be introduced and utilized in various ways. Understudy profiles can incorporate information presented by an understudy, as well as data which is added by staff individuals at an instructive foundation to give a total image of the understudy. Admittance to many kinds of understudy profiles is limited because of worries about security and protection.



 વિદ્યાર્થી બોનાફાઈડ અને જન્મ પ્રમાણપત્ર બનાવવા માટે excel ફાઈલ-૩ (click here)



auto excel file

In a monetary guide office, an understudy profile is utilized to decide qualification for monetary guide and to monitor the understudy’s records and history at the school. A few monetary guide workplaces utilize a particular report known as the PROFILE® planned by the College Board as a feature of their monetary guide applications, with understudies finishing up the record to give data about themselves and their monetary circumstances. A run of the mill monetary guide profile incorporates segment data about the understudy and guardians alongside monetary data and a full record history. student-profile-birthcerty

Numerous colleges and school additionally highlight relaxed profiles of their understudies in affirmations leaflets and on their sites to engage possible candidates. These understudy profiles are centered around the interests of the understudies and their courses of review at the school, giving a depiction of a regular understudy at a school which candidates can use to decide if the school is ideal for them. Since these understudy profiles are available to the general population, they are distributed simply by assent from the understudy, and they don’t contain delicate data.



વિદ્યાર્થી માટે સ્ટીકર બનાવવા માટે AUTO EXCEL FILE (CLICK HERE)



Understudies may likewise be profiled by the media. Numerous modest community papers distribute understudy profiles around graduation time with the goal that individuals from the local area can be acquainted with understudies who are graduating and more deeply study their arrangements for what’s in store. An understudy profile can likewise act as a public interest story, with a columnist profiling an understudy who is accomplishing something fascinating, for example, sorting out a local gathering, chipping in abroad, or succeeding in sports contests.


તમારી શાળા માટે edit કરી શકાય તેવી બાળ સંસદ excel ફાઈલ (click here)


The understudy profile shows the understudy data your foundation permits, like data on their scholastic burden and grant qualification, as well as course execution, including likelihood of passing and course movement.


શિક્ષકોને મુજાવતા પ્રશ્નો માટે (click here)


Every one of the understudy’s courses are recorded under their own data. Select one of the courses titles to open the Student Details page. The understudy subtleties page gives itemized, course-explicit data on the understudy’s action and grades. To email the understudy, select the email symbol in the upper right corner.


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The expression “understudy profile” is utilized in a few distinct faculties in the schooling local area. In all cases, an understudy profile gives data about an understudy, however the data can be introduced and utilized in various ways. Understudy profiles can incorporate information presented by an understudy, as well as data which is added by staff individuals at an instructive foundation to give a total image of the understudy. Admittance to many kinds of understudy profiles is limited because of worries about security and protection.


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