quiz on number- MIND GAME
The New Quiz window appears. Begin by entering a name for your quiz into the Name field. quiz on number- MIND GAME The Required field gives you the option of making the quiz optional or required. You can also require that students pass the quiz in order to continue the presentation, or require that they answer all questions before continuing. You can select settings for your quiz to further define how students interact with it. For instance, it is a default setting to allow students to go backwards in the quiz or review the quiz.quiz on number- MIND GAME You can remove the checkmarks next to those options to disable those attributes. Students are given feedback for each question unless otherwise specified. Click the Question Review Messages button to see the messages they will receive. Question Review Messages…
At Jotform, we want to make sure that you’re getting the online form builder help that you need. Our friendly customer support team is available 24/7. We believe that if one user has a question,
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Next to the question, enter the number of points the correct answer is worth. 5. Click Done to go back to the question. Changes save automatically. Type of question Marked correct if respondent provides Short answer The exact answer.
That way, only pe email that’s associated with your organization can respond to the quiz. If you don’t limit resp people can respond to the quiz using any email address. To manage how responses are collected, open a quiz and choose an option: quiz on number- MIND GAME
To identify each respondent and send quiz results or feedback, you can collect email addres individual names. You can limit respondents to people in your organization.
ou can specify answers for these question types: multiple choice, checkbox, dropdown, ar ou can also specify how many points a correct answer is worth. 1. Open a quiz and click the question. 2 Click Answer key. 3. Select or type the correct answer (or answers).