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☀️“मानवीय शरीर के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य”…✍️


The structure of the human body is as amazing as it is complex. The human body is made up of many cells, tissues and different organs. Let us know some interesting facts about the human body.


The largest bone in the human body is the femur, and it is stronger than steel.
The human brain is more active at night than during the day.
Women’s heart beats faster than men’s heart.

In an adult human, 25% of his bones are in the feet.the-amazing-truth-about-the-human-body 

Babies are always born with blue eyes. It takes time for the melanin in their eyes to freeze.

The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.
There are more bacteria in the human mouth than there are in the world
A person’s ability to hear decreases after eating too much.
The nail of our middle finger grows faster than all other nails.
Did you know that our skull is made up of 29 different bones?
Eighty percent of our body’s heat originates from our head.
After birth, the size of the eyes does not increase but the development of the nose and ears does not stop.

The human brain has a memory capacity that is equivalent to more than four terabytes on a hard drive. the-amazing-truth-about-the-human-body

The human body contains enough carbon to make 900 pencils, enough potassium to fire a toy cannon, enough fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough water to fill a 50-liter barrel.

The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifetime.

There are more than 100 types of viruses found in our body, due to which we are prone to cold.
Our height is 1 cm in the morning as compared to the evening. Is too long.
There are so many nerve cells in the human brain that it takes almost 3,000 years to count them.
The human fetus starts making fingerprints within three months of pregnancy.
If humans do not cut their hair in their entire lifetime, then the length of the hair can be 725 km. the-amazing-truth-about-the-human-body
The strongest muscle in our body is found in our tongue.
When a baby is born, there are 300 bones in his body but when he grows up, he has only 206 bones in his body.
A human’s left lung is about 10 percent smaller than his right lung.
Half the bones of the human body are in the bones of the hands and feet.
The outer skin of the human being regenerates every 27 days.

A man has about 8 liters of blood in his body while women have about 5 liters of blood.


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Our heart pumps blood at such a speed that the blood can reach the fourth floor of a building.
Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth.
The largest gland in the human body is the liver.
Humans are the only species whose emotional tears come out.
The largest cell in the body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.
Blood is 6 times thicker than water.
The space between the eyebrows is called “glabella” which is derived from the Latin word glabelus which means smooth.
The small intestine of an adult human is about 18 to 23 feet long, which is about four times the length of an adult individual.
We produce so much saliva in our whole life, that 2 swimming pools are filled.
, People who live apart from their friends. I mean those who live alone, they live 4 years more.



“Women blink twice as often as men. And their hearts beat faster too

“Fingerprints are different from person to person, it is a matter of mystery. They develop within only three months of pregnancy. Meaning we are a wonderful creature from the very beginning.

“While it cannot be spoken for everyone, the average person speaks more than 5,000 words every day.the-amazing-truth-about-the-human-body

“It is not only our cheeks which turn red and we expose that which is in trouble. In the same way, you must have never noticed that your stomach also turns red.

“Our taste buds change throughout life. But by the age of 60, the average person has lost half of their taste buds.

This is why older people don’t care much about bitter or unusual tastes.

“No matter how many times you try, it’s impossible to sneeze and open your eyes at the same time.

“Every 3-4 seconds, about 50,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced by new ones.



“Research was done on heart attacks and it was found in the findings that Monday is the most likely day to have a heart attack – be careful!

” It has been scientifically proven that babies grow faster in spring, so you can’t imagine little kids grow up until summer. the-amazing-truth-about-the-human-body

“Did you know? A hat should be worn on a cold day, because 80% of our total body heat is lost through your head.

“Hiccuping can last a very long time. The record for frequent hiccups is named Charles Osborne – this poor man hiccups without interruption for 68 years!

“If you are a man, the smallest cells in your body are sperm cells.

“Our eyes never stop growing. On the other hand, your ears and nose never stop growing!

“If you are a woman and you feel that your heart beats faster than a man’s. Then it is nothing to be surprised. Because women’s heart beats faster than men’s.”

“During an average lifetime, your heart pumps a total of 182 million liters of blood.

“If you think steel is strong and durable, your bones are five times stronger than that! They’re hard to break, but that’s why it hurts when you do.”

“Can’t remember your last night’s dream? This is absolutely normal, as most people forget 90% of their dreams.”

“People lose more calories by getting too much sleep and not by watching TV.

“Did you know? When you are happy you use 17 muscles and when you are sad, you use 43 muscles.


“The chances of living to the age of 100 are very low for most people. Only one man out of every two billion people will live to be 116 years old.


“When you’re flying in an airplane, your hair will usually grow at twice the rate. That’s why when you travel a lot. You need more haircuts.”

courtesy:-telegram रोचक तथ्य chennel





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